Nora & Devin | Keweenaw Peninsula Wedding
Nora & Devin met while both working at a ranch in Jackson, Wyoming the summer of 2013!
They persuaded their managers to coordinate their days off so they could explore the gorgeousness of Wyoming together.
They quickly fell in love and decided to become man and wife on May 20, 2017!
This is how Devin asked Nora to spend the rest of their lives together:
Nora: "We went on a fall mountain bike ride in Jackson, WY. Riding a trail in the Teton range surrounded by yellow aspens and views of the Jackson Hole valley. This is one of our favorite things to do together. The trails were ones we had found our first summer out west while working at the ranch and we ride them often. This time, he kept asking me if I thought this was as pretty as it gets (the view). Which is odd, because it’s usually me gushing about the views. He usually rides ahead because he is faster than me. He had stopped, which is normal as he’ll let me catch up quite often, but then he got off his bike and asked me to get off mine, too. That's when he asked!"