Marquette Vow Renewal

The Hufnagel family wanted to celebrate their anniversary by doing their own personal vow renewal including their four beautiful children!
It took place in the middle of the woods in Marquette, MI with some fun, unexpected guests that you’ll see while scrolling through the images.
They wrote each other and each of their children vows and read them aloud! It was honestly the sweetest thing to witness!! After the renewal they celebrated with a dance party + balloons and then we adventured around and took some photos on Presque Isle.
It was such a beautiful, non traditional, bohemian celebration!

WeddingBryana PalosaariRiutta Imagesmarquette summer vow renewal, family vow renewal, bohemian vow renewal, bohemian ceremony, marquette, marquette michigan, upper peninsula photographer, upper peninsula vow renewal, family session in marquette, michigan vow renewal10 Comments